Sunday, 6 May 2012

New Zazzle Fractals Shop

I was looking at all my various bits and pieces across the internet - blogs, stock sites and Zazzle shops when I realised it was all really one big jumble. I need to get it all organised if I am to make any progress with it all.

I already have my photography shop on Zazzle and I also started a World of Warcraft T-shirt shop. My thinking was that the audience here for my art and craft type stuff isn't that interested in my World of Warcraft stuff and vice versa! But within my photography shop, I also added my fractal designs and now as I look at it afresh, I decided they don't really fit there.

I also stumbled over the new iPhone cases, skins and speaker covers - all great candidates for fractal designs so Fun With Fractals was born. For the moment, I only have iPhone cases - I'm still trying to work out how to create templates to make listing multiple products more easily but I am really pleased with how effective my fractals look - makes me want to buy an iPhone so I can have one of my snazzy fractal design cases!

See other gifts available on Zazzle.

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