Sunday, 6 May 2012
New Zazzle Fractals Shop
I was looking at all my various bits and pieces across the internet - blogs, stock sites and Zazzle shops when I realised it was all really one big jumble. I need to get it all organised if I am to make any progress with it all.
I already have my photography shop on Zazzle and I also started a World of Warcraft T-shirt shop. My thinking was that the audience here for my art and craft type stuff isn't that interested in my World of Warcraft stuff and vice versa! But within my photography shop, I also added my fractal designs and now as I look at it afresh, I decided they don't really fit there.
I also stumbled over the new iPhone cases, skins and speaker covers - all great candidates for fractal designs so Fun With Fractals was born. For the moment, I only have iPhone cases - I'm still trying to work out how to create templates to make listing multiple products more easily but I am really pleased with how effective my fractals look - makes me want to buy an iPhone so I can have one of my snazzy fractal design cases!
See other gifts available on Zazzle.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Hello I'm Back!
Well, hello! Rumours of my disappearance are totally unfounded, I just wandered off there for a while! I'm planning on writing here again but I definitely didn't realise I've been gone for 3 years! So what have I been doing? Not much photography or crafty stuff to be honest, I was introduced to World of Warcraft & every comment you've ever heard about how addictive it is, is true! I now have 6 level 85 characters, I've been blogging about gold-making in game & I made my first in-game million gold late last summer.
The community around WoW is a vibrant & interesting one, especially the gold making one. Any of my Etsy friends know how addictive active forums & blogs can be & World of Warcraft sucked me in the same way! If you happen to be a crafter/artist who also plays WoW & you'd like to make some gold, my gold blog is Auction House Addict so come say hello :) I usually play EU server but I recently restarted my US account & am starting totally fresh there - lots of material for my game blog too.
Recently however, I've started writing on Squidoo & I've also started updating my Zazzle shops more frequently. As Spring brightens, my thoughts are returning to my camera more frequently so I hope to have some new work to show you all as well.
In the meantime, I'm using some of my own images to illustrate my Squidoo pages - my very first page made it to Lens of The Day & it received a Purple Star award which is quite an achievement. Can you guess what it was about? Yup, photography of course! 10-ways-to-take-better-flower-photographs but I've got quite a few ideas for other photo related pages there, some of which will be using my own images but many will use some of the fantastic photo products I find on Zazzle.
As for Real Life, that sucks as usual. Still not working in the traditional sense but I am busy every day, all day, online & writing, researching, playing (aka research!), processing photographs for Zazzle products & submitting to my microstock portfolios too.
I hope I can get organised & re-connect with all my lovely old Etsy friends - stop by & say Hi if you've got a moment :)
World of Warcraft,
Monday, 20 April 2009
I'm Loving these Fractals :)

Another fractal but this time all my own work. Admittedly following the tutorial guidelines but I'm learning more as each day passes. It's probably just as well that I'm not working at the moment - I think I'd be champing at the bit to get home to carry on fractalling (!!)
Friday, 17 April 2009
Another Type of Fractal
I've been trying out some tutorials for Apophysis and this one by Claire Jones on DeviantArt is not only a superbly written and well documented tutorial - it produces the most amazing fractals I've seen yet!
How about this for a first attempt? Apart from the colour scheme, it's exactly per the tutorial but if you'd seen some of my results from other tutorials, you'd understand why I'm showing off this one! LOL
How about this for a first attempt? Apart from the colour scheme, it's exactly per the tutorial but if you'd seen some of my results from other tutorials, you'd understand why I'm showing off this one! LOL
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Woo Hoo 1st Fractal Accepted
I submitted some of my fractals to Shutterstock in the hope of them being saleable - turns out one of them was :) Given that the current job market is so rubbish, I'm hoping that I can up my output on microstock to compensate a little so although I've still got a lot to learn about fractals, it's nice to know that even at this early stage, some will be acceptable.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009
I can feel a new addiction coming on!
Exploring forums and blogs as I do, I came across mention of a fractal program called Apophysis so I went and downloaded it (it's freeware, yay!). I had a fractal program on my very first computer, many years ago now - an Amiga 1200 and had hours of fun, creating weird & wonderful Mandelbrot designs. I even turned one or two into cross stitch pictures (very simplified of course). So I just couldn't resist having a look at the new (to me) program. Oh wow! I never realised how many different types of fractals there are or how beautiful they could be.

Here are a few of my very first attempts :)

So if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why! :)
Thursday, 9 April 2009
HandM@de Craft fair - Cambridge
Had a lovely day and the sun came out too :) Lots of chatting to lots of lovely Etsy peeps, quick wander round the normal Saturday market then back to the fair to man the team stall. I also had a quick dash round taking some photos so here they are. Click the photo to go to their online shops - lovely ladies all :)

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